Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is scheduled to arrive on April 17, just around the time when Windows XP officially reaches end of life. It's regarded as a potential replacement candidate for Win XP, but the truth is that it's also able to replace Windows 8.1.

A lot of users out there, still using Windows XP, are on the fence and are willing to consider an upgrade to Windows 8. Luckily for them, now there are a lot more options than in 2001, when Windows XP was initially launched.

We get a lot of questions regarding this issue and we can safely say that Ubuntu, 14.04 to be more precise, will be able to replace Windows 8.1 and XP with ease. Here are a few reasons why:

1. The installation of Ubuntu is a lot simpler than the one for Windows 8. Even better, the installation recognizes any other operating systems and you can install Linux without wiping your hard drive. This is impossible the other way around.

2. The main interface of Ubuntu 14.04 is easy to use and requires virtually no setup. Long gone are the days of complicated procedures to make it work. Now it just does. Better yet, if you do decide to change it completely, that’s actually pretty easy to do.

3. Most of the software is free and most of the regular things that you would use in a Windows environment have equivalents, which sometimes are even better.

4. You don't need to install any special drivers, besides the ones for the graphic card. Everything you plug in just works. Everything is implemented at the kernel level and you won't have any problems running it on laptops or PC.

5. Ubuntu is a lot more secure that Windows. It's Linux-based and it's very likely that you won't ever see a virus, malware, or anything of that kind. You don't need expensive antivirus solutions. If there is a problem, it's patched right away by the developers.

Be sure to keep an eye on the release of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS in April and give it a go before you do something that you will definitely regret.

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