왜??? 이것이 잘 팔릴까요???
2014.03.10 22:24
지금, 세상에서 잘 팔리는 것입니다.^^
Windows 8.1 (X64) Pro Pre-Activated Final Version
Files: 4
Size: 3.63 GiB (3901454862 Bytes)
Seeders: 1598
Leechers: 506
Info Hash: 39CB6C28A8ADFB97C5CF8C94CF100
번호 | 제목 | 글쓴이 | 조회 | 날짜 |
545 | 아침에 행복해지는 글 7 | 언제나당당 | 1926 | 2014.03.21 |
544 | xp나7pe가 아닌 8pe도 필요한 이유 2 | audacious | 2344 | 2014.03.20 |
543 | Windows를 Linux처럼 쓰자. 2 | audacious | 2019 | 2014.03.20 |
542 | 우주인플레이션-빅뱅 1 | audacious | 1554 | 2014.03.20 |
541 | 나만의 pe를 만들자-3 5 | audacious | 1955 | 2014.03.20 |
540 | 정부 “의존도 높아 위험” ‘MS윈도’ 안쓴다 2 | audacious | 1832 | 2014.03.20 |
539 | 나만의 pe를 만들자-2 9 | audacious | 2278 | 2014.03.19 |
538 | 빛은 공간을 따라갔다. 3 | audacious | 1787 | 2014.03.18 |
537 | 나만의 pe를 만들자. 6 | audacious | 2174 | 2014.03.18 |
536 | PC용 OneNote 2013 무료 공개 2 | audacious | 2039 | 2014.03.18 |
535 | 봄날 같은 사람/ (이해인) 2 | 언제나당당 | 2048 | 2014.03.17 |
534 | 초보 리눅서를 꿈꾸는 분들을 위하여! 2 | audacious | 1764 | 2014.03.17 |
533 | 구글와 MS는 왜 듀얼OS가 두려운가?...... | 언제나당당 | 1817 | 2014.03.17 |
532 | ASUS 에서 만들고 있는 듀얼OS 제품, 사용자가 직접 만들수 있을까요? 2 | 멋쪄 | 1789 | 2014.03.17 |
531 | 마지막 해커 5 | audacious | 1974 | 2014.03.16 |
530 | 우분트(UBUNTU) 란 말...... 2 | 언제나당당 | 2378 | 2014.03.14 |
529 | 화이트데이 ~ | 나그네 | 1609 | 2014.03.14 |
528 | KT 개인정보 유출확인 페이지가 열렸습니다. 2 | 나그네 | 1885 | 2014.03.11 |
527 | 윈8.1- 17031클린설치 4 | audacious | 2492 | 2014.03.11 |
» | 왜??? 이것이 잘 팔릴까요??? 1 | k-style | 2560 | 2014.03.10 |
Windows 8.1 X64/64Bit Pro Activated Final
BUILD: 6.3.9600.16384.WINBLUE
KMSpico KMSpico v9.1.3 Final
1) Burn to DVD or install from a flash drive(4.0GB+)(tool provided).
2) Boot from DVD or flash drive.
4) Make sure u have the install key written down somewhere for installation.
3) Follow installation menu to your preference and use the CD key that is provided to continue the installation (XHQ8N-C3MCJ-RQXB6-WCHYG-C9WKB)
4) Wait till installation is finished and enjoy your ACTIVATED WIN 8.1 PRO.
5) Once windows has finshed installing and you install an antivirus make an exceptions to Directory %ProgramFiles%KMSpico*.exe in Antivirus or Defender.
FAQ !!!!
So this is how it works, At about 75% in the installation a script runs the KMSpico.exe and activates windows.
NO files are modified on the ISO.
NO updates are added as it can cause the OS to be unstable later.
YES all automatic updates will work.
NO the serial provided can not be blacklisted as that part is OFFLINE.
Its always a good idea to do a hard format (your OS will last much longer).
YES you can install this on top of another OS or dual boot (Not recommended).
Last but not least if you dont know how to install windows or to install windows from a
flash drive just google or youtube it.
EVAN though it says its only 180 days it will always stay 180 days !!!!
Thanks for your support on my previous win 8.1 Pre-Activated torrents.
If you see a comment where some state that you can buy M$ products for cheap its a scam please report to forum.suprbay.org
Remember to seed !!!
and enjoy your ACTIVATED WINDOWS 8.! PRO