


LockHunter is a foolproof file unlocker
It is a free tool to delete files blocked by something you do not know. LockHunter is useful for fighting against malware, and other programs that are blocking files without a reason. Unlike other similar tools it deletes files into the recycle bin so you may restore them if deleted by mistake.


Key Features
Shows processes locking a file or folder
Gives you detailed information on the process
Allows to unlock, delete, copy or rename a locked file
Can delete a file at next OS restart
Allows to kill locking process
Allows to remove locking processes from hard drive
Can unload DLLs from processes
Integrates in to Explorer menu
It deletes files into the recycle bin, so you may restore them if deleted by mistake
Supports both 32 and 64 bit Windows

Version: 3.1.1; Size: 2.9 MB; OS: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/W7/W8 32/64 bit.

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 날짜
공지 LiFo PE v0.8-rc1 배포 75 컴퓨터매니아 252180 2014.12.15
81 불여우 29.0b2 무설치 1 audacious 3392 2014.03.26
80 WinTools.net Premium 14.0 2 file oO청사초롱Oo 3444 2014.03.23
79 추억의 노튼유틸포터블 2 file audacious 3651 2014.03.23
78 불여우 29.0b1 무설치 8 file audacious 3533 2014.03.23
77 한글Aomei Backupper 16. 12 file audacious 5812 2014.03.21
76 부팅용 USB 만들기 Rufus_v1.4.6_Build_440 7 file 나그네 3656 2014.03.19
75 Top 22 Windows Seven Modified For Games 2 k-style 4201 2014.03.19
74 포터블유어언인스톨러V7.5KOR 18 file audacious 4354 2014.03.19
73 새로 설치됨 문구 제거파일 8 file 카리스마조 4751 2014.03.17
72 No1 Linux 2014 3 9 KDE CairoDock x86 64 구경해보세요 2 k-style 4398 2014.03.16
71 Puppy_Linux_Windows_Installer_for_puppy-slacko-5.7 1 k-style 7887 2014.03.14
70 책을 읽을때.... 1 file 빨강모자 2999 2014.03.14
» LockHunter is a free tool to delete files k-style 2941 2014.03.14
68 중국어 입력 (구글 병음프로그램) 외 1개 소개해요 2 file 빨강모자 3253 2014.03.13
67 강좌나 설명에서... 데스크탑 연필 13 file 빨강모자 4196 2014.03.12
66 No1.Linux 2014.3 64비트용 버전(KDE, KDE-CairoDock) 넘버원 4132 2014.03.09
65 실시간-모니터링 모아볼께용 8 file 빨강모자 3602 2014.03.07
64 2014포터블 18 audacious 15064 2014.03.02
63 PE 에 하나쯤 있어면 좋을 듯 한 유틸 17 file mac 4271 2014.03.02
62 WㅣNRㅏ한글501포터블 2 file audacious 3569 2014.03.01

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